Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church has 9 active committees that are always looking for young adults and young married couples who are interested in serving the youth.

Confiramtion Students who also needing 20 hours of Church Community Hours helping the committees is a wonderful way to support your parish. The main commitment for grades 10th - 12th grades.

Volunteering as a Catechist is always needed in our Parish, please contact our DRE Eliza to signup to teach.   

The Diocese of Grand Island Safe Enviorment training is provided to all catechists. 

If you feel called to this ministry or want to learn more about it, please contact the Religious Education DRE.

For More Information

Volunteer Opportunities

To Register:  

  • Registrations starting date September 2024. Dates will be posted on our Facebook page.
  • In the Office during parish office hours. 3:30 pm-6:00 pm Monday thru Wednesday

5th ElementryMiddle/High School Religious Education (6-9)

5th Grade - 9th Grade
Registration still open as of 08/1/2024
Class is from 7:00pm - 8:00pm

-Guadalupe Center
Classes are held every Wednesday

Elementary Religious Education (K-4)

Kindergarten - 4th Grade
Registrations still open as of 8/1/2024
Class is from 7:00pm - 8:00pm

-Church Basement. 
Classes are held every Wednesday

Eliza Rodriguez, DRE

Director of Religious


308-632-2845 Ext.1

1st Communion

2nd Grade - Students must attend a full year of Religious Education before receiving their 1st Communion.
All students who have not received their 1st Communion (3rd-5th grades) will need to attend a full year of Religious Education before receiving their 1st Communion. 
Class is from 7:00pm - 8:00pm in the Church Basement
Classes are held every Wednesday.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Religious Education Classes

High School Pre-Confirmation & Confirmation Classes (10th - 12th grades)

Registration still open as of 08/1/2024

10th - 12th Grade classes held in the rectory basement (Father House).

Classes are from 7:00 to 8:00pm

Classes are held every Wednesday. 

Baptism Policy

Children in classes should already be baptized.  If a child is not yet baptized, contact us immediately.  Children under 14 can be baptized anytime according to parish policy.  The baptism should be completed before Christmas.  For children age 14 and older, please contact Father ASAP to begin the process.  If a child is not baptized by Christmas they will not be allowed to return for classes after Christmas break, unless other arrangements have been made.  

Attendance Polices and Requirements

Mass Attendance- All children are expected to attend Mass with their parents and family.  Throughout the year special liturgies may be scheduled which all children and youth in the Religious Education Program are requested to attend.

Class Attendance- We want the children involved in our Religious Education Program to have a successful and positive experience to help them benefit the fullest from attending the classes here at Christ the King. All Religious Education children/youth grades P-5 are required to attend weekly sessions, missing no more than 5 sessions. All Religious Education children/youth grades 5-10 are required to attend weekly sessions, missing no more than 3 sessions. Those who miss more than the allowed number of sessions will be asked to attend Totus Tuus for one week during the summer months.  Those participating in the Confirmation program (Grades 10-12 ) are allowed one (3) absences.

When a student is not present in the classroom a parent will be called.

Bad Weather Policy

The policy at Our Lady of Guadalupe is if the school districts cancel or close early, class that day will be canceled. Our main means of getting cancellation information out will be REMIND AND FACEBOOK. 

Behavior/Discipline Policy and Procedure

The purpose of discipline in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Religious Education Program is the training and strengthening of the child’s character in accordance with Christian principles, and the promotion of order within the learning environment.  All disciplinary action is administered only as a deterrent from non-Christian behavior and to provide an atmosphere where learning and religious virtue may prevail.

In order to function properly, the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Religious Education program must provide equal learning opportunity for all students. Any conduct from any student that causes disruption in or an interference with the learning process or atmosphere within the religious education program is prohibited. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Disrespect to catechists, assistants, and/or other students whether verbal or by gesture.
  • Cell Phone use is prohibited during religious ed/youth group sessions as the use of such for phone calls or text messaging detracts from a Christian learning environment. A phone is available in the Parish Office for use in an emergency.
  • Unnecessary talking or making inappropriate noises.
  • Any behavior or attitude which detracts from a Christian learning environment or indicates that the student does not wish to be in the program.

If a student continues his/her disruptive behavior or attitude after the catechists have asked the student to stop the distractions or interruptions, the student will be asked to leave the classroom and report to the Religious Education Director or Priest for a short period of time. At their discretion, it may be necessary to call a parent.

The second time a student is excused from the classroom for disciplinary reasons, the student will report to the DRE or Priest and the parent(s)/guardian will be notified immediately of their child’s behavior.  The child will remain with the DRE or Priest until the end of class or until the parents come to pick up their child. 

The third time a student is required to leave the classroom because of inappropriate behavior, the student reports to the DRE or Priest and the parents/guardians are called; the student remains with the DRE or Priest. At the close of class the catechists, student, parents and DRE will meet to discuss possible solution or consequences.  The following week the student must be accompanied by a parent to return to class.  This will continue until the child has changed his/her behavior.